Fforwm Hanes Cymru

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History Forum for Wales

Co-ordinating the history of Wales


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Llys Rhosyr

Yr adeiladau

Areial View of Llys Rhosyr

The buildings

Mae'r adeiladwaith a ddadorchuddiwyd hyd yma'n cynnwys neuadd fawr, adeilad cyfagos a allai fod wedi cynnwys ystafelloedd preifat y Tywysog, ac adeilad tebyg, ansicr ei bwrpas, yn y gornel ogledd-ddwyreinol.

The structures uncovered so far include a large hall, an adjacent building which might have housed the Prince's private rooms, and a similar building, of uncertain function, in the north-east corner.


Plan of Llys Rhosyr


Fe ddechreuodd archeolegwyr gloddio Llys Rhosyr ym 1992. Ers hynny, fe gafodd chwarter o arwynebedd cyfan y Llys ei ddadorchuddio.

Eisoes mae'r canlyniadau'n rhagori ar yr wybodaeth sydd ar gael o unrhyw safle tebyg yng Nghymru.

Archaeologists began to excavate Llys Rhosyr in 1992. Since then a quarter of the total area has been uncovered.

Already the results exceed the information available from any comparable site in Wales.

Viewing by Appointment only - contact telephone: 01248 440608

I gyrraedd Llys Rhosyr o Neuadd Pritchard Jones, croeswch y brif ffordd ger Swyddfa'r Post ac ewch ymlaen tuag at Llanddwyn. Mae Llys Rhosyr yn union o'ch blaen ar y troad yn y ffordd heibio'r eglwys.

To get to Llys Rhosyr from the Pritchard Jones Institute, cross over the main road by the Post Office and continue towards Llanddwyn. Llys Rhosyr lies directly ahead at the bend in the road just past the church.


The Sir John Prichard Jones Institute